He had asked for nothing personally from the VA. After his funds were nearly wiped out, I stumbled upon the Veterans Administration in Tennessee and because he was adamant about staying independent, we started him in their home health care program which contracts through an agency up to 20 hours a week assistance with dressing, cleaning, bathing, and meal preparation. Eventually we had to bring him to Virginia to live with us. We transferred all medical to the VA clinic in Charlottesville which is run out of the Richmond office.
We have been so impressed with his care and just mentioned a few days ago how he has done a complete turn around. Previously hardly unable to get out of a chair and living a solitary existence basically just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now he has a wonderful geriatric doctor that comes to our house and treats all his ailments. He even has gotten him in a local day care program! You might think home health care is frivolous but it makes sense! It takes another person with a body belt to assist walking Bob up and down the stairs and then we have to put him in a wheelchair. Because of his many ailments, it required nearly weekly office visits to the different specialists. He now primarily sees his geriatric doctor and it saves so much hassle. His doctor is amazing and an asset to our elderly service members.My father also served in the Korean War and he never received VA assistance. He died in a nursing home from Alzheimer's. If he had been enrolled with the VA it might have not been such a difficult ending and it absolutely would have helped my mother who cared for him day in and day out. I've experienced both private care (which was a total nightmare) and public VA care and I'll take the VA care any day! My experience has been quite positive and has improved his quality of life significantly.
I just read of the pending indiscriminate elimination of 80,000 employees from the Veterans Administration (30% of which are veterans themselves). Why is the richest country in the world targeting the VA? Why are we punishing our veterans and their families? How can we ask individuals to join the military and not promise them benefits or pull the plug on them? Why are we asking wonderful doctors to take a hike?
There are many elderly veterans that are going to be seriously disoriented by losing their health care services and/or provider. When we have no compassion and give no thought to harming those who we have asked to sacrifice their life to PROTECT OUR COUNTRY then we've lost our soul. To pull the rug out from veterans that have relied on the VA is gut wrenching and to see great doctors get kicked to the curb without any thought as to the service they provide is disturbing. There is no logical reason for doing this other than selfishness and shortsightedness with the intent to gleefully cause chaos.
My father-in-law has our family to keep him safe but sadly some veterans are terminally or mentally ill and can't fend for themselves. Willy-nilly axing VA medical doctors and staff just because you think there is government waste is a total copout as to what your real plan is, to privatize our government and shrink it down so the wealthiest can benefit while leaving the less fortunate to figure it out. Please call TODAY your representatives and ask them to explain what they will do to protect the elderly, veterans, and our valued doctors from this planned extermination at the Veterans Administration.